Huge White Space After Header In PDF Using Flying Saucer
Solution 1:
Please take a look at the metadata of your PDF:
You are using an old third party tool that is not endorsed by iText Group, and that uses iText 2.1.7, a version of iText dating from 2009 that should no longer be used.
It would probably have been OK to complain and to write "My code isn't working" about 7 years ago, but if you would use the most recent version of iText, the result of converting your HTML to PDF would look like this:
I only needed a single line of code to get this result:
HtmlConverter.convertToPdf(new File(src), new File(dest));
In this line src
is the path the the source HTML and dest
is the path to the resulting PDF.
I only had to apply one minor change to your HTML. I change the @page
properties like this:
@page {
size: 27cm 38cm;
margin: 0.2cm;
If I hadn't changed this part of the CSS, the page size would have been A4, and in that case, not all the content would have fitted the page. I also added a small margin because I didn't like the fact that the border was sticking to close to the sides of the page.
Morale: don't use old versions of libraries! Download the latest version of iText and the pdfHTML add-on. You need iText 7 core and the pdfHTML add-on. You might also want to read the HTML to PDF tutorial.
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