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Populating An HTML Select List From A PHP Array

I am trying to populate an HTML select list using an array of customer names. I am using the following code, but it does not seem to work. I have a function that query an SQL Serve

Solution 1:

Have you tried doing a print_r() or var_dump() of $custNames. There's nothing wrong with your foreach loop, so most likely the getCustomers() function is returning a non-array, or an empty array.

And of course, be very careful inserting text that way. A single double-quote in any of the customer names will hose your form:

<option value="John "The Unknown" Doe">John "The Unknown" Doe</option>

At least pass the value portion through htmlspecialchars() to make it a bit safer.

Solution 2:

A foreach loop is perfectly fine, provided that getCustomers() is returning an array (or more specifically, an object that implements the Traversable interface). You may wish to do a var_dump( $custNames ); to check that what you have is in fact an array, otherwise you'll probably want to change the getCustomers() function to return an array.

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