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Print To Default Printer Without Open The Printer Confirmation Dialog Box In Html Using Javascript

In html file print the particular div on clicking the button without open the printer confirmation popup dialog box automatically print that content.

Solution 1:

This it not practically possible in a way that's supported by all modern browsers. And for good reason.

You don't want random websites to start printing stuff without your intervention.

Solution 2:

Right Click the google chrome shortcut in the desktop,Select PROPERTIES Then in Target

Add the given code at the end

--user-data-dir=c:\tmp --kiosk-printing

For example:

"C:\Users\alpha\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir=c:\tmp --kiosk-printing.

It's useful for instant billing using the normal window.print option without any popup box interfere.

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