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Paste Input Type File Value To Input Type Text

i have script like this, for append a new elment based user input var tmp; $('#add').click(function(){ var galer=parseInt($('#many').val()); for(var

Solution 1:

Because these elements are being dynamically created you will need to delegate the event listening like

$(window).on( "change", function() {
    var id = $(this).id;
    if (id.indexOf("photo") === 0) {

Solution 2:

the reason that the value of text boxes does not get updated is because they are dynamically created, so the change event is not bind to them.

I have changed your code and optimized it a little like this:

var tmp;
    var galer = parseInt($('#many').val());


    for(var x=1;x<=galer;x++)
        $('#kontenPlus').append('<div class="af"><input type="file" id="photo_'+x+'"><input type="text" id="src_'+x+'"></div>');


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