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Get The Avaliable XPaths Of An Html Page?

I've taken and adapted this code of how to retrieve the XPath expressions of an XML document. I Would like to do the same but using an html page to retrieve its avaliable XPaths (

Solution 1:

As far as I can see, HtmlAgilityPack has a very similar class structures to XmlDocument. So I believe you can easiliy adapt current solution to cope with HtmlDocument, something like this :

Public Function GetXPaths(ByVal Document As HtmlDocument) As List(Of String)
    Dim XPathList As New List(Of String)
    Dim XPath As String = String.Empty
    For Each Child As HtmlNode In Document.DocumentNode.ChildNodes
        If Child.NodeType = HtmlNodeType.Element Then
            GetXPaths(Child, XPathList, XPath)
        End If
    Next ' child'
    Return XPathList
End Function

Private Sub GetXPaths(ByVal Node As HtmlNode,
                  ByRef XPathList As List(Of String),
                  Optional ByVal XPath As String = Nothing)
    XPath &= "/" & Node.Name
    If Not XPathList.Contains(XPath) Then
    End If
    For Each Child As HtmlNode In Node.ChildNodes
        If Child.NodeType = HtmlNodeType.Element Then
            GetXPaths(Child, XPathList, XPath)
        End If
    Next ' child'
End Sub

Worked fine when tested using HTML that is XML compliant. But I can't guarantee about how far this will work against malformed HTML documents.

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