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No End Tag In Thymeleaf Template Using Spring Tool Suite Version: 3.8.4.RELEASE

I've generated a Spring Boot web application using Spring Initializr, using embedded Tomcat + Thymeleaf template engine. I have this Thymeleaf template

Solution 1:

If you use spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf dependency, you should add


to your pom.xml.

This forces maven to use Thymeleaf 3. The default Thymeleaf 2 doesn't support pure HTML5.

More informations here:

Solution 2:

Thymeleaf prevents rendering no-valid HTML. What you are doing, using a and button tags with self enclosing, is unvalid according to HTML5 standards.

You can check validation of HTML codes on W3 validator page :

Try an HTML code with self enclosed a and button tags and see the result.

Thymeleaf is not that much tough with validation of HTML codes, though. You see W3 says a missing title attribute on a button element is an error. But thymeleaf doesn't give an error on that.

Nevertheless; it is important for Thymeleaf that your HTML code shouldn't have missing enclosing tags when it's required.

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