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How Can I Elegantize This Verbose Jquery?

I need to get the value of the checked checkbox (only one is allowed to be checked at a time), and I have this verbose code to do so: if (!checkboxSelected) { return; } if($('

Solution 1:

// IF (these are the only elements that id starts with ckbx_) THEN
    rptval = $('[id^=ckbx_]').filter(':checked').val();
    // this syntax is more maintainable than $('#ckbx_produceusage, #ckbx_fillrate, ... selectors à la queue');
    rptval = $('#ckbx_produceusage').add('#ckbx_fillrate').add('#ckbx_deliveryperformance').add('#ckbx_pricecompliance').filter(':checked').val();
// FI

Solution 2:

JQuery collections are filterable, so I'd suggest using the following:

// get value of first checked checkbox
var rptval = $(

Note: The .first() may even be unnecessary since .val() gets the value of the first element in the collection. Left in for legibility's sake.

Solution 3:

Without changing your HTML, you can at least avoid repeating yourself by using a loop:

["#ckbx_produceusage", "#ckbx_deliveryperformance", "#ckbx_fillrate", "#ckbx_pricecompliance"].some(function(sel) {
    var e = $(sel);
    if (":checked")) {
        rptval = e.val();
        return true;
setEmailAndGenerateValsForUnitReportPair(unitval, rptval)

You could probably change your HTML such that the initial array could be a query rather than a hardcoded list of ID selectors.

Solution 4:

You also need to account for the situation where none are checked. Never assume something is set.

function getValue(checkBoxes)
    for ( var i = 0; i < checkBoxes.length; i++ )
        var name = "#ckbx_" + checkBoxes[ i ];

        if ( $( name ).is( "checked" ) ) return $( name ).val();

    //None were checked
    return null; //Should throw exception

rptval = getValue( [ "produceusage", "deliveryperformance", "fillrate", "pricecompliance" ] );

Solution 5:

Try using .each()

  $("input[type='checkbox']").each(function() {
    var rptval = 0;
    if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
      rptval = 1;
    setEmailAndGenerateValsForUnitReportPair(unitval, rptval);

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