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Installing Bootstrap Theme In Symfony 2 Project

I am looking at installing this theme in my SF2 project, and I note that there are 4 files at the top of the page to download, namely: bootstrap.min.css bootstrap.css variables.le

Solution 1:

Also read the Usage and Customization sections of the docs at

If you want to use the theme as is (without customization) you only should include the bootstrap.min.css OR bootstrap.css into your HTML:

<link href="/bootstrap.min.css" type="text/css" >

Alternatively you can compile your own version of the theme:

  1. Download Bootstrap's source files at
  2. In the source files replace the less/variables.less file with that download from bootswatch
  3. copy the bootswatch.less into the less directory of the bootstrap sources files
  4. Than, open the less/bootstrap.less and add the following line of code at the end of this file: @import "bootswatch"
  5. compile the modified bootstrap as described at: Error while executing assetic dump (parse error: failed at `&:extend(.clearfix all);`)

Also notice that Bootstrap adds the autoprefixer for vendor prefixes into their build process. The vendor prefix mixins in less/mixins/vendor-prefixes.less are deprecated as of v3.2.0. So you should add to your assetic configuration too.

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