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Onclick/Javascript For Div; Rails Iterator

I have a directory page where the listings are rendered on the index page. <% @listings.each do |listing| %> # do some stuff <% end %> I've added a data-toggle to ea

Solution 1:

Not to sure what you mean by "use that ID throughout the div." but you could try this if it helps you?

<div data-id="< %>" class="chat-window-wrapper">

If you want to get the id's value from what ruby printed then you can try adding an event listener

$(".chat-window-wrapper").on("click",function() { 
    var x = parseInt($(this).attr('data-id');

To access listings outside iterator try



@allListings = listings. Then access @allListings[index]

but as far as my rusty ruby knowledge goes, i think listings should be accessible as long as the controller is passing it in the context to the view.

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