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Detecting That User Has Scrolled To The Bottom Of The Div Without Scroll Event?

I'm looking for js solution that detects when user has scrolled to the bottom of the div with overflow: auto. There are plenty of solutions here on SO that describe how to achieve

Solution 1:

Simply using IntersectionObserver like the "accepted" answer suggests is not going to work:

const io = new IntersectionObserver(onIntersection, {threshold: 1})

If the element's height is greater than the viewport height then the threshold won't ever be 1. Instead, I found a better solution for variable-height content: insert a 1px sub-element inside the element being tracked and then track the sub-element instead of the element itself via IntersectionObserver. This way the onIntersection callback will be called when a user scrolls down to the bottom of the element.

Solution 2:

Use IntersectionObserver For this

const onScrollToBottom = document.getElementById('on-scroll-to-bottom')

const onIntersection = ([{isIntersecting, target}]) =>
  isIntersecting && ( = 'green');

const io = new IntersectionObserver(onIntersection, {threshold: 1})

section {
  color: white;

#on-scroll-to-bottom {
  margin-top: 100vh;
  min-height: 50vh;
  background-color: red;

#visible {
  height: 90vh;
  background-color: blue;
<section id="visible">Visible Section</section>
<section id="on-scroll-to-bottom">On Scroll to Bottom</section>

Solution 3:

To solve the issue brought up by @catamphetamine that if the element is larger than the viewport it will never reach threshold 1, you could flatten the parent element's bounds to just the bottom of itself and then observe for threshold: 0 and not intersecting instead:

const io = new IntersectionObserver(onIntersection, {
        rootMargin: '-100% 0px 0px 0px', 
        threshold: 0

Solution 4:

You can use entry.boundingClientRect which tells bottom is in viewport or not. If bottom is less than 0, which means above the viewport, also if bottom is greater than window size, which means below the viewport, it's not in view port.

Also threshold check must be on each scroll when it's in viewport, slicing to each 10%.

    const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
      entries.forEach(entry => { 
        const bcr = entry.boundingClientRect;
        const isBottomVisible = (bcr.bottom < window.innerHeight) && bcr.bottom;
        console.log(, bcr.bottom, window.innerHeight, {isBottomVisible});
    }, {threshold: Array(11).fill().map( (_, i) => i*.1)});
    observer.observe(this._templateContainer );

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