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Dropdown In Codeigniter Using Array As Values

I have returned a result_array() in $categories variable and now I want to create a dropdown menu. But if I directly use the variable, all the elements of the array are going to be

Solution 1:

Keys in your $options array are not actual ID's of database rows.

So your $options array looks like this:

'0' => array('id'=>'10', 'value'=>'someval1'),
'1' => array('id'=>'22', 'value'=>'someval2'),
'2' => array('id'=>'36', 'value'=>'someval3'))

To see this, put print_r($options); before echo call.

To make real dropdown you should make helper function that looks like this:

functionmy_form_dropdown($name, $result_array){
    $options = array();
    foreach ($result_arrayas$key => $value){
        $options[$value['id']] = $value['value'];
    return form_dropdown($name, $options);

Solution 2:

well since I was getting all the returned rows as array in $categories

Hence a print_r() on $categories gave me the output

    [0] => Array
            [id] => 24
            [name] => First

    [1] => Array
            [id] => 25
            [name] => Second

    [2] => Array
            [id] => 26
            [name] => third


But I needed something like the code below to make the dropdown work

    [24] => First
    [25] => Second
    [26] => third

SO I had do modify my code as below

$options = array();
                    foreach ($categoriesas$category) {
                        $options[$category['id']] =  $category['name'];

                    echo form_dropdown('cat_id', $options);

Hence the HTML generated was as follows which was the markup I desired.

<selectname="category"><optionvalue="24"> First </option><optionvalue="25"> Second </option><optionvalue="26"> Third </option></select>

And it did worked . Thanks for the answers, But after two days of head scratching, I finally did it. Sometimes it is so difficult when u are a beginner.

Solution 3:

you can do

$options = array(

    '1' => 'ABC',
    '2' => 'NNC'

echo form_dropdown('category', $options);

where the key will be the value of the dropdown

Solution 4:

$options = array_combine(
    array_column($categories, 'id'),
    array_column($categories, 'value')
echo form_dropdown('category', $options, '', array('class' => 'form-control'));

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