Getting Image On Page 1 Of 2 Page Pdf
Solution 1:
Of course you can access that variable. The problem is that each function
creates its own scope and defines this
as a link to its own context, so the html2canvas then-callback's this
is not the same as generatePDF function's this
. This is a part of basic paradigm of javascript as a functional language.
The simplest solution is to save the context in a local variable:
generatePDF() {
var self = this;
console.log("outside: self.problem.length = " + self.problems.length);
html2canvas(document.getElementById('graph')).then(function(canvas) {
console.log("inside: self.problem.length = " + self.problems.length);
// ...
// ...
Another option is to use ES arrow function (in case of ES6 is appropriate for your project; and I guess it's so due to Angular 4) because the arrow function saves the parent context:
console.log("outside: this.problem.length = " + this.problems.length);
html2canvas(document.getElementById('graph')).then((canvas) => {
console.log("inside: this.problem.length = " + this.problems.length);
// ...
// ...
Not sure if it's all the story, but hope this helps!
Solution 2:
This function is asynchronous:
You can have access to the generated image only inside the callback function. If are going to use html2canvas to generate images, then all your pdf-related code must be inside the callback. It's really what you already did. If you're going to need another images in pdf, you'll have more nested callbacks and this line'test.pdf');
must be inside the last one.
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