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Html Agility Pack Dll

I have downloaded the HTML Agility pack but I don't know which one should I import .There are lots of folders and I don't know which one to import dll . Folders: Net20 Net4

Solution 1:

The correct assembly to reference strongly depends on your target framework.

This release includes versions of Html Agility Pack for .NET 2.0 - 4.5, Silverlight 4-5, Windows Phone 7-7.1 and Windows 8 Metro.


According to the quote above:

Directory             | Framework
Net20                 | .NET 2.0
Net40                 | .NET 4.0
net40-client          | .NET 4.0 Client Profile
Net45                 | .NET 4.5
sl3-wp                | Silverlight 3
sl4                   | Silverlight 4
sl4-windowsphone71    | Silverlight 4 used by Windows Phone 7.1+
sl5                   | Silverlight 5
winrt45               | Windows RT


The preferred method of referencing HtmlAgilityPack is through nuget:

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