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Wrap Text Around Both Sides Of Div

Here is what I try to achieve: With the following HTML:

some text

Awesome content

Solution 1:

Looks like you want something like float:center ? Well, the problem is that this property doesn't exist.

Here are 2 alternatives:

1) Fake it with pseudo elements - FIDDLE - See this css-tricks article

enter image description here

Set up markup like so:

<div><divid="wrap">Awesome content</div><divid="l"><p>left text here</p></div><divid="r"><p>right text here</p></div></div>

With CSS

#wrap {
    height: 250px;
    background: yellow;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -125px;
#l {
    float: left;
#r {
    float: right;
#l, #r {
    width: 49%;
#l:before, #r:before {
    width: 125px;
    height: 250px;
#l:before {
    float: right;
#r:before {
    float: left;

Alternative #2 (IE 10+ only): CSS Exclusions - FIDDLE

enter image description here


<divclass="container"><divclass="exclusion">Awesome content which floats in the center</div><divclass="dummy_text">all the text here</div></div>


.container {
    font-size: small;
    background: aqua;
    position: relative;
.exclusion {
    background-color: lime;
    -ms-wrap-flow: both;
    -ms-wrap-margin: 10px;
    z-index: 1;
    width: 150px;
    height: 100px;
    background: yellow;
    margin: auto;

For more info about CSS exclusion browser support and further resources see my answer here.

Solution 2:

<divid="my1"><p>some text some text
       <spanid="wrap">wrapped text</span>
       some text some text</p></div>

Should work if I am reading the question correctly? A <div> is a block level element which is breaking, a <span> is inline like what you want.

Fiddle here:

Solution 3:

Use css as below:

wrap { word-wrap:break-word; }

This css should work to wrap the text in a line and to continue on next.

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