Making A Calculation For A Modal Using Coffeescript
I am trying to make it so a user can input 3 numbers and when they click the submit button they will see a modal with the calculations from these 3 numbers within the modal. I am u
Solution 1:
classCalculationconstructor (@price, @mortgage, @rent) ->
monthly_savings-> @mortgage- @rentsavings_goal-> @price * 0.03months-> Math.ceil @savings_goal / @monthly_savingssavings-> monthly_savings * months
And to create the calculaction instance:
price = document.getElementsByName('house_amount')[0].value
mortgage = document.getElementsByName('high_rent')[0].value
rent = document.getElementsByName('current_rent')[0].value
instance = new Calculation(price, mortgage, rent)
Then to display it somewhere:
document.getElementById('total_savings').value = instance.savings();
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