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Accessible, 508 Compliant Ajax Pagination

I am trying to make my Ajax-enabled table pagination 508-compliant (accessible using JAWS version 9). I have a table header cell with a link which executes a jQuery ajax request on

Solution 1:

Unfortunately I think the short answer is you’re out of luck. I frequently have issues with Jaws telling me when content is updated, and sometimes it takes a screen refresh to update the virtual buffer of Jaws. Jaws 9 is also a somewhat out of date version but you may have to deal with it if you’re writing internal apps for a department that has standardized on that version. I would suggest two things. Option one is to download jaws version 12 which has been released in the last month. If that fixes your problem maybe you could justify an upgrade? Option two is to look into WAI-ARIA This should let you mark your tables as live regions and have updates automatically announced. I don't have any experience with this but it may work. I don't know how well Jaws 9 supports WAI-ARIA but jaws 10 appears to do a fairly good job. see this blog entry for a comparison of screen reader support for WAI-ARIA. You could always do the listed tests with Jaws 9 to get an idea of what WAI-ARIA support is like.

Solution 2:

This might not address your specific question, but if you implement with progressive enhancement, I think it would solve the problem. In other words, have your page navigation work via traditional (non-ajax) links, then wire up ajax click events on those links.

If using a non-JS browser or screen reader, it'll simply navigate to the next page. If using a regular modern browser, it'll give the ajax experience. Accessibility is built in w/o losing the ajax experience.

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