Upload Pdf In Html And Deserialize Json File December 25, 2023 Post a Comment I'm trying to upload a file in html and then send it to my database via restangular. My frontend is a combination of angular with typescript but the upload is a form. Solution 1: I've worked out the file upload.First of all I split the file upload from the rest of my data so I won't have to rewrite the automatic deserialization for everything that does work.this.restService.save(this.metadata.apiDomain, item).then((addedItem: any) => { toastr.success(`${addedItem.naam} successfully created.`, `Overzicht Dossiers Created`); console.log("created item ", addedItem); var fd = newFormData(); fd.append("rapport", item["rapport"]); this.restService.one('dossiers/' + addedItem.id + '/rapport').withHttpConfig({transformRequest: angular.identity}).customPOST(fd, '', undefined, {'Content-Type': undefined}).then( (addedDossier: any) => { console.log("posted dossier ", addedDossier); } ); }); CopyIn the callback of my normal save I do the custom post to dossiers/{id}/rapport for this I need a custom controller. @BasePathAwareController@RequestMapping("/dossiers/{id}") @ExposesResourceFor(Dossier.class) public class DossierController { CopyThe BasePathAwawareController makes sure that all automatically generated paths that you don't override keep existing.Baca JugaHow To Create Html Table Based On JsonLoad Ajaxdata In Html Or Json-format?How Can I Create A Promise For The End Of Playing Sound?@Autowiredprivate DossierRepository dossierRepository; CopyWith this I inject my repository to connect to my database.@RequestMapping(path = "/rapport", method = RequestMethod.POST)//,headers = "content-type=multipart/form-data") public@ResponseBody String postRapport(@PathVariable("id")Long id,@RequestParam("rapport") MultipartFile file) { String name = "rapport"; System.out.println("Entered custom file upload with id " + id); if (!file.isEmpty()) { try { byte[] bytes = file.getBytes(); Dossier dossier = dossierRepository.findOne(id); dossier.setRapport(bytes); dossierRepository.save(dossier); return"You successfully uploaded " + name + " into " + name + "-uploaded !"; } catch (Exception e) { return"You failed to upload " + name + " => " + e.getMessage(); } } else { return"You failed to upload " + name + " because the file was empty."; } } CopyLike this I'm able to successfully upload my file. Share You may like these postsForm Gets Submitted Even If The Required Fields Are Left Empty In Angular JsGetting An Image To Appear On A Popup Window With Angular JsUsing Ionic Range To Set Months And YearsCascading Select/dropdowns Post a Comment for "Upload Pdf In Html And Deserialize Json File"
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