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What Causes This Failure To Detect Scrolling To The Bottom Of An Html Element In Pure Javascript?

I am working on a pure JavaScript infinite scroll. I have a 4 list of posts. I am trying to load more posts (clones of the 'original' ones) when I reach the bottom of the container

Solution 1:

Ok, maybe it will help someone:

    constructor() { = null;
        this.isLoading = false;
        this.postsContainer = document.querySelector('#postsContainer');
        this.postsArary = postsContainer.querySelectorAll('.post');
        this.hasNextPage = this.postsContainer ? .dataset ? .hasNextPage === 'true';
        this.currentPage = this.postsContainer ? .dataset ? .currentPage;
        this.nextPage = this.hasNextPage ? this.currentPage + 1 : null;

    loadMorePosts() {
        if (this.hasNextPage) {
            this.postsArary.forEach(item => {
                let postClone = item.cloneNode(true);
        } else {
            if ( this.observe.disconnect();

    getLastPost() {
        const allPosts = [...this.postsContainer.querySelectorAll('.post')];
        return allPosts[allPosts.length - 1];
    bindLoadMoreObserver() {
        if (this.postsContainer) {
   = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
                entries.forEach(entry => {
                    if (entry && entry.isIntersecting) {


    init() {

const infiniteScroll = new InfiniteScroll();
  1. I made the function getLastPost - it gets the last of your posts (included added by js).

  2. I observe last post, not the whole container

  3. then when this item is intersecting I made 2 things: unobserve current entry element, then after appending new elements I observe the last post- so this will be very last post, added by js.

  4. as bonus in loadMorePosts I saw that you want add posts just when there is next page available.But when not your IO still works, but it's not neccesary (performance). So... disconnect-- disonnect is killing IO process also unobserve all elements in this IO.

Solution 2:

An example with a perPage variable and the total number of posts known:

classInfiniteScroll {
  constructor() { = null;
    this.isLoading = false;
    this.postsContainer = document.querySelector('#postsContainer');
    this.postsArary = postsContainer.querySelectorAll('.post');
    this.iterationCount = Number(this.postsContainer.dataset.currentPage);
    this.perPage = 5;
    this.maxCount = this.postsContainer?.dataset?.maxCount;
    this.numberOfPages = Math.ceil(this.maxCount / this.perPage);
    this.hasNextPage = this.iterationCount < this.numberOfPages;

  loadMorePosts() {
    if (this.hasNextPage) {
      this.postsArary.forEach(item => {
        let postClone = item.cloneNode(true);
    } else {
      if (;

  getLastPost() {
    const allPosts = [...this.postsArary];
    return allPosts[allPosts.length - 1];

  counter() {
    if (this.hasNextPage) {
      this.postsContainer.dataset.currentPage = this.iterationCount;

    this.postsContainer.dataset.hasNextPage = this.hasNextPage;
    this.hasNextPage = this.iterationCount < this.numberOfPages;

  bindLoadMoreObserver() {
    if (this.postsContainer) { = newIntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
        entries.forEach(entry => {
          if (entry && entry.isIntersecting) {

  init() {

const infiniteScroll = newInfiniteScroll();
body, body * {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

body {
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

.post {
  margin: 20px;
  padding: 15px;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  border-radius: 5px;

p {
  line-height: 1.5;
<divid="postsContainer"data-has-next-page="true"data-current-page="1"data-max-count="11"><divclass="post"><h2>Title 1</h2><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque dolorum consequatur nostrum sapiente ipsa! Veniam, laudantium accusantium, odio maxime quo adipisci possimus enim quam, voluptate quidem animi perferendis delectus aliquam?</p></div><divclass="post"><h2>Title 2</h2><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque dolorum consequatur nostrum sapiente ipsa! Veniam, laudantium accusantium, odio maxime quo adipisci possimus enim quam, voluptate quidem animi perferendis delectus aliquam?</p></div><divclass="post"><h2>Title 3</h2><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque dolorum consequatur nostrum sapiente ipsa! Veniam, laudantium accusantium, odio maxime quo adipisci possimus enim quam, voluptate quidem animi perferendis delectus aliquam?</p></div><divclass="post"><h2>Title 4</h2><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque dolorum consequatur nostrum sapiente ipsa! Veniam, laudantium accusantium, odio maxime quo adipisci possimus enim quam, voluptate quidem animi perferendis delectus aliquam?</p></div></div>

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