How To Creating A Dynamic Sub-menus By Sub-categories
I'm setting a Menu with Sub-menu display Sub-categories, in database I created a column isSelected with Boolean data type. If only Sub-categories is isSelected == true, it will be
Solution 1:
Check if this helps.
public abstract classBaseController : Controller
protectedoverridevoidOnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext){
IEnumerable<MVC3Stack.Models.MenuItem> menus = BuildMenu();
ViewBag.Menus = menus;
private IEnumerable<MVC3Stack.Models.MenuItem> BuildMenu(){
IEnumerable<MVC3Stack.Models.MenuItem> menus = new List<MVC3Stack.Models.MenuItem>
new MVC3Stack.Models.MenuItem{Id = 1, Level = 0, ParentId = 0, Text = "Main", Url = Url.Action("Index", "Home"), IsSelected=true, HasChildren=true },
new MVC3Stack.Models.MenuItem { Id = 2, Level = 1, ParentId = 1, Text = "Main-SubMenu1", Url = Url.Action("Index", "Home"), IsSelected=false, HasChildren=false },
new MVC3Stack.Models.MenuItem { Id = 3, Level = 1, ParentId = 1, Text = "Main-SubMenu2", Url = Url.Action("Index", "Home"), IsSelected=true , HasChildren=false},
new MVC3Stack.Models.MenuItem { Id = 4, Level = 0, ParentId = 0, Text = "Second Menu", Url = Url.Action("Index", "Home") ,IsSelected=true, HasChildren=true},
new MVC3Stack.Models.MenuItem { Id = 5, Level = 1, ParentId = 4, Text = "Second Menu-SubMenu1", Url = Url.Action("Index", "Home"),IsSelected=true, HasChildren=false }
return menus;
Here is the _layout.cshtml
var topLevel = ((IEnumerable<MVC3Stack.Models.MenuItem>)ViewBag.Menus).Where(x => x.Level==0);
<ul id="menu">@foreach (var item in topLevel)
if (item.IsSelected)
<li><a href="@Url.Action("Index", "Home")">@item.Text</a>
@if (item.HasChildren)
var level1 = ((IEnumerable<MVC3Stack.Models.MenuItem>)ViewBag.Menus).Where(x => x.Level==1&& x.ParentId== item.Id);
<ul>@foreach (var item1 in level1)
if (item1.IsSelected)
<li><a href="@Url.Action("Home", "Index")">@item1.Text</a>
This can give you some pointers on how to implemente this. Note: Number of levels will be fixed with this solution.
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