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Instagram - Bootstrap 3 Carousel With Instafeedjs

I am using instafeedjs to display the pictures on a site. I am trying to add Bootstrap 3 carousel by following link. -

Solution 1:

Here is the code that supports carousel on loaded feeds. The number of image is limited the the value set by the instafeed property 'limit' and the carousel runs infinitely.


<html><head><title>Example of Bootstrap 3 Carousel with Instafeed Instagram feeds - Ajith</title><linkrel="stylesheet"href=""><linkrel="stylesheet"href=""><scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script></head><body><divclass="bs-example"><divid="myCarousel"class="carousel slide"data-interval="3000"data-ride="carousel"><divclass="carousel-inner"id="instafeed"></div></div></div></body></html>


<scripttype="text/javascript">var feed = newInstafeed({
        get: 'tagged',
        tagName: 'ajith',
        clientId: '467ede5a6b9b48ae8e03f4e2582aeeb3',
        limit: 20,
        sortBy: 'most-recent',
        resolution: "low_resolution",
        template: '<div class="item"><img src="{{image}}"/></div>',
        after: function () {
            $('#instafeed > div:nth-child(1)').addClass('active');

Find the working demo here

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