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Open Dd Menu Selection In New Window

I'm using the following code for a drop down menu but I want the selected option to open in a new window. How should I change this code to make this work?

Solution 1:

see below...


<html><body><formname="blah_blah"><selectname="ddmenu_name"id="ddmenu_name"style="width: 80% !important;"><optionvalue="first_option_name"selected>option display name</option><optionvalue="page1.html">1st option name</option><optionvalue="page2.html">2nd option name</option></select><inputtype="button"name="Submit"value="Go!"onClick=",'newtab')"></form></body></html>


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Hope this is what you needed!!!

Good Luck!!!

Update 1

If you want to open new window quickly after selecting option (and not pressing Go button), below is code

<html><body><formname="blah_blah"><selectname="ddmenu_name"id="ddmenu_name"style="width: 80% !important;"onChange=",'newtab'"><optionvalue="first_option_name"selected>option display name</option><optionvalue="page1.html">1st option name</option><optionvalue="page2.html">2nd option name</option></select></form></body></html>

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