Php Domdocument Check Span Class
How can I iterate all tag and check if class is font18 or font17? $html = new DOMDocument(); $html->load('file.html'); html:
Solution 1:
Solution 2:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$nodes = $xpath->query('//span');
foreach ($nodesas$node) {
If the HTML is actually different you can tell me so I can change my snippet. It may also be worthwhile to only select specific elements in the xpath query (e.g. to only select elements with class font17
or font18
) .
Note that I have used DOMXPath because this will give you more flexibility to change the query to select the elements you need depending on your HTML
If you only want to select elements with class font17
or font18
you can change the query to something like:
$nodes = $xpath->query('//span[contains(@class, "font17")]|//span[contains(@class, "font18")]');
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