Align An Image In The Middle Of

Solution 1:
Set the table's text-align to center
Solution 2:
try it like this:
position: relative; /* if it's IE *//* position: fixed; if it's mozila */
.png , .jpg
margin-top: <put here half of the height of png>
margin-left: <put here half of the width of png>
add a class jpg to the jpg image
UPDATE: I edited it again, this works for me ... make sure that your td is big enough
Solution 3:
sorry for not answering earlier, I have a solution: (I don't have enought time, later I'll improve my answer)
The absoluted images aren't in the same flow as the default inline images, but you still can use 'text-align:center'
Just do the opposite, instead of putting the display absolute to the class="png", give it position:relative... And now give position absolute to the img of the bottom:
<styletype="text/css">.png {position:relative; z-index:10}
.bottom {position:absolute; z-index:0; left:0; top:0 }
</style><table><tr><tdstyle=" text-align:center"><imgsrc="some_image_url.png"class="png" /><imgsrc="another_image_url.jpg"class="bottom" /></td></tr></table>
This way you'll have an automatic centered image on the top of another. Don't forget that if you use position:absolute; you MUST set a top or bottom; or a left or right. In browsers like IE if you don't specify at least top with left, it will render in the IE way (broken).
(in my browser it is working I don't know why the fiddle doesn't show it the way I want, please test it and tell me if it is okay)
By the way, adding a div as you did is the best solution IMO.
Solution 4:
Set the float property of the image to
float: right;
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