Change Hover Color On A Button With Bootstrap Customization
I am trying to style my buttons in a way that the hover makes the button a lighter shade instead of a darker shade. I tried bootstrap customization page(
Solution 1:
The color for your buttons comes from the btn-x classes (e.g., btn-primary, btn-success), so if you want to manually change the colors by writing your own custom css rules, you'll need to change:
/*This is modifying the btn-primary colors but you could create your own .btn-something class as well*/.btn-primary {
color: #fff;
background-color: #0495c9;
border-color: #357ebd; /*set the color you want here*/
.btn-primary:hover, .btn-primary:focus, .btn-primary:active,, .open>.dropdown-toggle.btn-primary {
color: #fff;
background-color: #00b3db;
border-color: #285e8e; /*set the color you want here*/
Solution 2:
or can do this...
set all btn ( class name like : .btn-
+ $theme-colors: map-merge
) styles at one time :
@each$color, $valuein$theme-colors {
.btn-#{$color} {@include button-variant($value, $value,
// modify
$hover-background: lighten($value, 7.5%),
$hover-border: lighten($value, 10%),
$active-background: lighten($value, 10%),
$active-border: lighten($value, 12.5%)
// /modify
// code from "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_buttons.scss"
should add into your customization scss file.
Solution 3:
I had to add !important
to get it to work. I also made my own class button-primary-override
background-color: #42A5F5!important;
border-color: #42A5F5!important;
background-image: none !important;
border: 0!important;
Solution 4:
This is the correct way to change btn color.
color: #fff;
background-color: #F7B432;
border-color: #F7B432;
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