How Can I Avoid Browser Prepopulating Fields In My Registration Form?
Solution 1:
Most password managers will search the first password field, and the closest text field before it.
So all you have to do is add invisible text and password fields (display:none
) above "new password".
Firefox tries to interpret 3 password fields as a "change password" action, so if you don't want that you should be safe adding yet another invisible password field.
Solution 2:
I had a similar issue with the set password field. Try
<inputtype="password" autocomplete="new-password">
From MDN input documentation:
This attribute indicates whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser.
Possible values are: A new password (e.g. when creating an account or changing a password)
For the phone number issue, I set this and it stopped autocompleting the username there.
Solution 3:
A home number cannot be 30 characters, this is probably why the browser is assuming it could be a username or login email due to the size. Change it to something real and see what happens.
Also, consider having 3 field for phone number, area code, prefix, suffix. Once a certain number of digits are filled, you can auto focus using JavaScript the next phone segment field so it's easier for user.
Have you also tried changing positions of fields? What's happened?
Also, just to make sure, you can turn off auto complete on a particular item during registration without worrying that it will be off during login (cuz it won't) unless you turned it off for the login fields as well, and of course you have no need to.
Also, delete your unused saved form auto complete stuff, could just be a local issue with your version, you may have entered a bad value one day in one of the browsers, and then you installed the other browser (chrome or FF), and then the newly installed browser copied the rules exactly as they were from your original browser.... So, you end up thinking it's a global issue with your form, simply because of one bad entry and because your second installed browser copied and replicated the bad entry rule from your first browser, making it look like a real, universal problem to you, get me? So try the browsers InPrivate modes, or try the browsers from a different installation or a different computer, or from a virtualpc instance you may have.
Otherwise, export all your setting from your browsers and uninstall both browsers, then reinstall from scratch FF and chrome, then test your webpage, then feel free to import your exported settings back.
Also, test on IE even if it is for the insight it may give you, know what I mean?
Hope this helps, let me know how you get on, and if you have any other questions.
Given the method you've chosen, what you should be able to do is, when rendering the phone field, add a value=" " attribute into the input tag, instead of using JavaScript. This should prevent the pre-filling from occuring without needing to use javascript. Now, if you want to go one step further, you can do this:
During the OnLoad Event of when page loads, check the phone field using JavaScript, and if the value equals one space (" ") then overwrite it with an empty string using JavaScript once onLoad is triggered. Or, if the browser is still prefilling (i doubt it will but if it is) you can delay this check by a few hundred milliseconds and run the javascript a few hundred milliseconds after the page has loaded, or tie it to all or some of the input fields onFocus events, so as soon as any of the fields gain focus, you do the "does phone.value equals one space character (" ") and if it does, overwrite it with and empty string, i'm even more certain the browser isn't going to jump in and hijack that field in this situation. Although, as mentioned, even if you do this onLoad, i doubt the browser will hijack your field, as the pages/javascript onload occurs AFTER the browsers internal onLoad (DocumentComplete) event occurs, and worst case scenario, you can do the few hundred millisecond lag or onFocus method, but i doubt you will need these.
Let me know how it goes.
Solution 4:
I tried disabling the input fields type=text& type=password after loading of the DOM then enabled all the disabled fields after certain milliseconds lets say 100. It seems to be working for me. Try :
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