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Css: What Is Causing These Small Horizontal Spaces Between My Divs?

I have six divs ('group') all contained within a parent div ('groupwhite'), and everything is behaving normally with one exception: there is a small horizontal space between each o

Solution 1:

it's a natural space added by display: inline-block you can either use float or you can use a bit of a hack by adding font-size: 0 to .groupwhite and then overriding the text size inside that container

Here is a link about fixes:

Solution 2:

The line breaks between the divs are causing the spacing. HTML interprets all whitespace (newlines, tabs, real spaces) and runs of whitespace as if it were a single normal space.

To fix, just make sure that the div's end tag is flush with the next div's open tag. Like so:

</div><divclass="group"><!-- no line break, no whitespace, nothing at all -->

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