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Vertical Center An Image Without Knowing Dimensions

I have centered a lot of stuff in my webdevelopment career, but I was wondering if there is a simple way to centering an image vertically without knowing the image's dimensions. Im

Solution 1:

You could use this CSS on your parent:

#parent {

Note that this will make the parent element behave like an inline element.


Solution 2:

If your design doesn't allow you to make parent inline (if it does, use Purmou's solution, it's better), you can set line-height on parent equal to its height and vertical-align: middle; on your img.



<divid="wrapper"><divid="parent"><imgsrc="" /></div></div>


img {
    vertical-align: middle;

#parent {
    border:1px solid black;
    line-height: 400px;


enter image description here

Solution 3:


Solution 4:

There is a trick to do this, even without Javascript. What we need ist to know the height of the parent and we also need one more tag.

First, add a SPAN-tag before or after the IMG-Tag:

<divid="wrapper"><divid="parent"><span>&nbsp;</span><imgsrc="path/i/got/from/database/image.png" /></div></div>

With this, the following CSS declaration aligns the image as wanted:

#parent {
   height: 500px;      /* This height is important for the following lines */line-height: 500px; /* Text-content needs to get full height for the
                          'vertical-align'-attribute to work */
#parentspan {
   display: inline-block; /* Should work even for IE6/7 in this case */height: 500px;         /* Needed for IE */width: 10px;
   margin-right: -10px;   /* Any element to the right is pushed to the left
                             offset of the SPAN-tag */ 
#parentimg {
   vertical-align: middle; /* Aligns the image in the middle of the SPAN-tag */

This should work even for IE6 and 7.


  • ThinkingStiffs solution is simpler and thus better. I just doesn't work in IE6.

  • Purmous solution doesn't work for IE6 and 7, see The display declaration

Solution 5:

I found this while searching for a solution to a similar problem the solution uses CSS3 so won't work on IE8 and below.

While this is an old question I figured an updated answer might be useful to someone:

<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="parent">
        <img src="path/i/got/from/database/image.png">

    background:red; /* just used to highlight box */
#parent img{
    top: 50%;
    transform: translateY(-50%);

See this fiddle:

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